Tailored for teen girls between the ages 13 to 18, the camp covers a range of topics relevant to teen girls of today.
These activities focus on the development of the whole girl. Your daughter will be supported, mentored, and guided in an affirming, pro-girl environment.
With uniquely crafted camp activities, each girl will learn to embody a solid identity built on values. These anchor her to stand strong in the challenges of teen-hood.
As she grows into young adulthood, she discovers her strengths and interests. She learns to embody a positive resilient mindset, develop skills for community and bonding, along with confidence to contribute in her unique ways.
A 'Daughters of Promise' girl knows a healthy body, mind, and emotions is within reach. Girls will learn about grooming, nutrition and self-defence amongst other life-skills.
Part 1: 11th to 12th December 2023
Part 2: 13th to 14th December 2023
Timing: 9am to 2pm daily
Location: TBA
Pricing: TBA
(inclusive of tea breaks and meals)